
Classroom Sessions suspended

Dear students,

Certainly you too are closely following the current situation in terms of incidence figures and the decisions taken to address the corona pandemic.

Like so many other things, teaching at the university is currently operating "on sight" and the possibilities must be reassessed regularly. In this context, we would like to inform you that, in view of the rising incidence figures and following Prof. Stengler's announcement of 22.10.2020, the Dean's Office of the FBW has decided that no face-to-face teaching can take place until further notice. This is also in line with the decision of the MPK of 28.10.2020 to reduce contacts to a minimum.

For the part-time programmes in IBWL and MBA, this initially means that until further notice, but at least for November 2020, all courses planned in attendance will be converted to digital form. Teachers will inform you directly about the changed conditions.

Exams are excluded from this regulation, they can still be held in attendance as planned. This exception exists, as there is currently no possibility of taking exams digitally in a legally secure manner.

If you belong to the risk group and are therefore unable to take part in a classroom examination, you can apply for compensation for disadvantages. Please contact your lecturer and the examination board as early as possible.

The conditions on the premises are designed to comply with the university's hygiene concept. Due to the course timings, it can also be ensured that the passageways in the building offer sufficient opportunity for keeping a distance. Should you nevertheless have considerable reservations about taking part in a classroom examination in the current situation, please contact us. As of now, you will have the opportunity to take up to two written exams on the re-take exam date in March. As of this semester, there are no longer any special requirements for this, but in view of the current situation, we cannot guarantee that the re-take exams can take place.

Please make sure to observe the prescribed hygiene conditions for classroom exams, as well as Mr. Seeberg's communication of 29.10.2020 on dealing with corona diseases, quarantine and contact persons. Please also note the President's communication of 30.10.2020 regarding the extended mask obligation on the entire campus and also during the exam.

We will regularly re-evaluate these regulations taking into account the current situation and in consultation with the Dean's Office. We will contact you with a status update at the end of November/ beginning of December at the latest.

Best regards and stay healthy!

Ralf Schellhase (Academic Director)
Matthias Knoll (Head of Examination Board)
Anna Herbst (Program Management)